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Gender Based Violence Links

  1. National Monitoring and Evaluation Framework towards the Prevention of and Response to Sexual and Gender Based Violence in Kenya. This document is dedicated to all Kenyans who strive hard to reduce and eliminate the incidences and grave impact of SGBV in our contemporary society.

  2. Kenya Women’s National Charter charts out a program that will bring positive change and meaningful realization of women’s rights, empowerment, and welfare, in all spheres of our lives. These include the law, the economy, education, development, infrastructure, political and civil life, family life, custom, culture, religion, health and media.

  3. Gender violence in schools: taking the ‘girls-as-victims’ discourse forward. This paper draws attention to the gendered nature of violence in schools. Recent recognition that schools can be violent places has tended to ignore the fact that many such acts originate in unequal and antagonistic gender relations, which are tolerated and ‘normalised’ by everyday school structures and processes.

  4. The Accountability Gap on Sexual Violence in Kenya: Reforms and Initiatives Since the Post-Election Crisis. This briefing paper reviews the Kenyan government’s response to sexual and gender-based violence committed against women, men, and children during the 2007/2008 post-election crisis.

  5. Sexual violence victims – life after the attacks.

  6. Status of gender desk at police stations in Kenya. A case study of Nairobi province.

  7. Facing Violence. Survivors from the Gender-Based Violence Recovery Center in Mombasa tell their story.

  8. The Making of Sexual Violence. How Does a Boy Grow Up to Commit Rape?

    Women and girls around the world experience staggering levels of rape and other forms of sexual violence.This violence devastates lives, unhinges communities, and hampers greater social and economic development. While the severity, frequency, and purpose of this violence can broaden during times of conflict or emergency, its foundations are laid during “peacetime,” as is underscored by the extreme levels of violence observed consistently across the globe. Yet it is only in recent decades that policymakers, researchers, and programmers have begun to pay closer attention to this urgent violation of human rights and barrier to sustainable development.

    This report presents an overview of five study sites of the International Men and Gender Equality Survey (IMAGES), presents findings related to men’s self-reported perpetration of sexual violence, investigates seven domains of possible influences on men’s sexual violence perpetration and provides actionable lessons and recommendations.

  9. Patterns of Sexual Violence Against Adults and Children during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Kenya: A prospective cross-sectional study: 
  10. Protecting Children from Sexual Violence during COVID-19
  11. Cuts to UK research funding threaten critical human rights projects across the world
  12. Policy Brief: Patterns of violence and its impact on women and girls amidst the Covid-19 Pandemic in Kenya
  13. Achieving more with less: A critical review of protocols for forensic investigation of sexual violence in low-resource environments
  14. Post-rape medicolegal service provision and policy in East Africa: a scoping review protocol
  15. The Kenyan Survivors of Sexual Violence Network: Preserving Memory Evidence with a Bespoke Mobile Application to Increase Access to Vital Services and Justice

  16. Urgent issues and prospects at the intersection of culture, memory, and witness interviews: Exploring the challenges for research and practice

  17. Stevens LM, Rockey JC, Rockowitz SR, Kanja W, Colloff MF and Flowe HD (2021) Children’s Vulnerability to Sexual Violence During COVID-19 in Kenya: Recommendations for the Future. Front. Glob. Women’s Health 2:630901. doi: 10.3389/fgwh.2021.630901
  18. Rockowitz, S., Stevens, L. M., Rockey, J. C., Smith, L. L., Ritchie, J., Colloff, M. F., Kanja, W., Cotton, Njoroge, D., Kamau, C., & Flowe, H. D. (2021). Patterns of Sexual Violence Against Adults and Children during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Kenya: A prospective cross-sectional study. BMJ-Open,1(9):e048636. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-048636.
  19. Rockowitz, S., Stevens, L., Colloff, M. F., Smith, L., Rockey, J., Ritchie, J., Kanja, W., Cotton, J., Flowe, H. D. (2020). Patterns of Violence Against Adults and Children During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Kenya.
  20. Flowe, H., Rockowitz, S., Rockey, J., Kanja, W. (2020) Sexual and Other Forms of Violence During the COVID-19 Pandemic Emergency in Kenya. The University of Birmingham.
  21. Rockowitz, S., Kanja, W., & Flowe, H. (2020). Challenging social norms and legal responses to rape and sexual violence: Insights from a practice-research partnership in Kenya. In Understanding Gender Based Violence: A Comprehensive Textbook for Nurses, Social Workers and Allied Health Professionals Springer Nature.
  22. Stevens, L., Reid, E., Kanja, W., Rockowitz, S., Davies, K., Dosanjh, S., Findel, B., & Flowe, H. D. (In press). The Kenyan Survivors of Sexual Violence Network: Preserving memory evidence with a bespoke mobile application to increase access to vital services and justice. Societies.
  23. Zidan, J., Davies, K., Stevens, L., Rockowitz, S., Kanja, W., Woodhams, J., & Flowe, H. D. (In prep). Examining the nature of sexual violence against children in Kenya via the Violence Against Children Survey versus data gathered by a grassroots network of sexual violence survivors. Societies.

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