
WKF work is anchored in the belief and respect for fundamental human rights. This is to say that; regardless of traumatic experiences, all life is sacred and precious and deserves to be treated with dignity and respect. Based on this foundational belief, WKF utilizes...

Strategic Plan

The strategy embodies a multifaceted approach that combines different sectors i.e., health, safety and secu- rity, legal and justice, psychosocial support (individual, family, community, civil society organizations), livelihoods (including development actors) working at the national and county levels.


We need to have an understanding of how change occurs, and what we can do to make it a constant reality

Organisational background

Wangu Kanja Foundation (WKF) is experienced-informed and survivor led feminist non-profit national organization founded in 2005. The organization is domiciled in Nairobi Kenya but has footprints in all the 47 counties in Kenya. The organization was founded by Ms. Wangu Kanja, an experienced Human Rights Champion, with 18 years’ experience in the field of gender and development. The challenges she faced after a sexual violence ordeal and particularly in the quest for justice in Kenya, were instrumental in the establishment of WKF. The organisation focuses on addressing sexual violence with regards to prevention, protection and response. At the core of WKF’s work is addressing the needs of survivors of sexual violence in Kenya and beyond by engaging in holistic interventions with an aim of restoring their dignity and that of their families and friends.

What We Strive for

WKF believes that by shifting social norms that propagate sexual violence, enhancing service delivery and ensuring accountability by all stakeholders can result in the prevention and response to sexual violence leading to dignified healing, recovery and resilience amongst survivors.

A Society that is free from all forms of sexual violence and upholds human rights.

Amplify the voices, choices, and agency of survivors of sexual violence toward the achievement of gender justice.

Accountability, Integrity, Dignity, Empathy, Respect, Partnerships.
To provide comprehensive care and support to survivors of sexual violence, improve policies, attitudes and to strengthen action to challenge social norms towards sexual violence prevention, protection and response in Kenya.
“Breaking the barriers, enhancing individual’s agency, voice and choice towards sexual violence prevention, protection and response in Kenya.

Strategic Priorities

Socio-economic Empowerment of Survivors.

Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning.

Improving knowledge on intersectionality, diversity and inclusivity.
Building the resilience of survivors of sexual violence.
Strengthening of WKF to undertake its mandate.

Success Stories

Cases Handled

Reported cases of sexual violence through WKF’s various reporting channels

Survivor Support

Survivors support via Medical, legal aid, counselling, financial support, safe links and shelters

Capacity Building
Capacity Building, Awareness Raising and Advocacy activities reached approximately 15 million people
Partnership Engagement:

Since its inception, WKF have engaged with different partners from different sectors (state and non-state) including National Government Ministries such as the Ministry of Interior and Coordination of National Government through National Police Service (NPS) and the Department of Criminal Investigations (DCI), Ministry of Health (including engaging with the Government Chemist), Ministry of Gender, Affirmative Action and Social Welfare, the Judiciary, including the International Association of Women Judges (IAWJ), Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (ODPP), National Gender Sector working group and County offices including County Executive Members, County Technical working groups on gender, Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), Faith Based Organizations, Development Partners, academia…

Knowledge Products:

Engaged in development of up to 10 different research papers in partnership with University of Leicester, University of Birmingham, Urgent Action Fund-Africa and CREAW; Reports to WKF credit include In The Trenches: Data Analysis 2020, Tackling SGBV in the midst of COVID- 19 Pandemic” and “In the Shadows- Male survivors of Sexual Violence Report. The evidence-based knowledge products are purposely used for learning, review of progress and revision of advocacy interventions by WKF and its partners.

Strategic Plan

With the launch of our strategic plan, we have an improved and better way to aid battle gender-based violence

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and report cases of sexual violence

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